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Welcome to my online Architecture portfolio. I'm a graduate with a bachelor's degree in architectural studies from Ara. Currently based in Christchurch, New Zealand I am thrilled to share my passion for architecture with you.

This platform serves as a window into my creative world, where you can explore and immerse yourself in my architectural projects. Feel free to navigate, discover the context and background of my work, and enjoy the fusion of inspiration and design. I hope you enjoy your visit!

Sculpture Patio

A refuge for Artists and community 
Ara Exit Project 2022
137 Cambridge Terrace, Christchurch

drawn a concept

Performance Arts Centre

A container for movement
Ara Individual Project 2022

132-138 Litchfield St, Christchurch

concept teather circulation .png

Rain Pavilion

A natural water collector

Ara Individual Project 2022

132 Litchfield St, Christchurch

Rain collector poavilion
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